
Platform Tennis The Ultimate Guide for Enthusiasts

The racquet sport of platform tennis, sometimes referred to as American platform tennis, was invented in the US in the 1920s. Unlike traditional tennis, it’s played on an elevated court surrounded by screens, allowing for continuous play even when the ball goes out of the main playing area. This feature adds an exciting twist to the game, so the game can continue even when the ball moves outside of the main playing area. Gamers can use the screens to keep the ball in play.

Equipment for Platform Tennis


Unlike traditional tennis racquets, platform tennis paddles are solid and perforated with holes to reduce air resistance. They are typically made of composite materials and offer durability and control.


The balls used in platform tennis are unique. They feature a spongy core that allows them to bounce well even in cold weather. They are slightly smaller than tennis balls and have a rough texture for added grip.

Court Specifications

Platform tennis courts are more minor than tennis courts. They typically measure 44 feet by 20 feet and are surrounded by a screen fence, allowing for play off the walls, much like squash courts.

History and Origins

The roots of platform tennis can be traced back to the winters of 1928, 1929, and 1930, when the Old Army Athletes crafted the rules and essence of the game. Initially conceived as a family-friendly sport, platform tennis quickly gained popularity for its outdoor appeal during cold weather. With its beginnings in Scarsdale, New York, platform tennis has become a staple in racquet sports culture.

Platform Tennis Court & Size

Platform tennis, a popular racquet sport with a strong following, is played on specialized courts designed to enhance the gameplay experience. Here are further details about platform tennis courts and their dimensions:

Court Structure: Platform tennis courts are typically constructed with a durable, raised aluminum deck that is surrounded by a metal fence to prevent balls from leaving the playing area.

Court Size: The dimensions of a standard platform tennis court are 44 feet in length and 20 feet in width, offering a compact yet dynamic setting for fast-paced gameplay. The smaller court size compared to traditional tennis adds an element of speed and precision to each rally.

Surface Texture: The surface of a platform tennis court is textured to provide players with traction and control over their movements, crucial for executing quick stops, turns, and shots. This specialized texture enhances player performance, especially in adverse weather conditions.

Net Height: The net on a platform tennis court is lower than in traditional tennis, measuring 34 inches at the center and 31 inches at the sidelines. This lower net height requires players to adapt their shots and strategies, leading to strategic gameplay and exciting rallies.

All-Weather Play: Platform tennis courts are designed for year-round play, with many courts equipped with heating elements beneath the surface to prevent the formation of ice during winter. This feature allows enthusiasts to enjoy the sport even in cold climates, contributing to the popularity of platform tennis.

This concise overview highlights the distinctive characteristics of platform tennis courts and their compact yet engaging playing environment.

Benefits of Playing Platform Tennis

Physical Fitness

Platform tennis is a great way to work out your whole body and improve your strength, flexibility, and cardiovascular health. Because the game moves quickly and is always going, it’s a great way to get in shape.

Social Aspect

One of the standout benefits of platform tennis is its social component. Many groups hold regular social events and tournaments because the sport brings people together.

Mental Stimulation

The strategic nature of platform tennis keeps your mind sharp. To win, you will have to think quickly and guess what your opponent will do.

Accessibility and Inclusivity

Platform tennis is great because it can be played by people of all ages and skill levels. Its smaller court size and slower ball speed make it accessible to beginners while still challenging for seasoned athletes.

Popularity and Growth

Expansion of Platform Tennis Clubs

The number of platform tennis clubs is steadily increasing, with facilities popping up across North America and even in Europe. Its growth is a testament to the sport’s rising popularity.

Tournaments and Competitions

There are a lot of neighborhood, regional, and national tournaments for platform tennis players who want to compete. The American Platform Tennis Association (APTA) is in charge of these games and makes sure they follow high standards of play.

Celebrity Endorsements and Participation

Celebrities and professional athletes are playing and promoting platform tennis more and more, which helps raise its image and bring in new players.

Rules and Gameplay

Scoring System

The scoring system in platform tennis is similar to tennis, with points counted as 15, 30, 40, and game. Matches are usually played as best of three sets.

Serving Rules

Serves must be underhand and the ball must hit the service court diagonally opposite to the server. Unlike tennis, only one serve attempt is allowed, adding a layer of strategy to the game.

Strategies and Tactics

Platform tennis emphasizes quick reflexes and strategic shot placement. Opponents are often kept on their toes by lobs, volleys, and screens. Teamwork is crucial in doubles, the most common format of the game.

How to Get Started with Platform Tennis

Ready to give platform tennis a try? Here’s how to get started:

Find a Local Club

Many country clubs and recreational facilities offer platform tennis courts. The American Platform Tennis Association (APTA) website is a great resource for finding clubs and courts near you.

Invest in Quality Gear

While you don’t need a lot of equipment to play platform tennis, investing in a good paddle and appropriate footwear can make a big difference in your performance and enjoyment of the game.

Take Lessons

To learn the basics and get better, you might want to take lessons from a qualified teacher. In a lot of clubs, you can get individual lessons or clinics for beginners.

Join a League

Once you’re comfortable with the game, consider joining a league. It is a great way to meet other gamers and get better by competing with them in a nice way.

Platform tennis has a competitive side, with several popular tournaments held throughout the year. Some of the most notable include:

  • APTA National Championships: This premier event attracts the best platform tennis players from across the country.
  • Chicago Charities: Held annually in Chicago, this tournament is one of the oldest and most prestigious in the sport.
  • Sound Shore Invitational: This New York-based tournament is known for its competitive play and excellent hospitality.

Comparison with Other Racquet Sports

Contrasts with Tennis and Pickleball

While platform tennis shares elements with tennis and pickleball, it stands out through its unique equipment, court design, and gameplay dynamics. The use of screens and the ability to play off the walls add an exciting twist not found in other racquet sports.

Unique Aspects That Set It Apart

Platform tennis is a great alternative to standard racquet sports because it can be played outside in the winter and focuses on strategy and teamwork. Because it’s open to everyone, no matter their age or skill level, everyone can enjoy it.


Platform tennis is more than just a winter pastime; it’s a thrilling sport that offers physical, social, and mental benefits. Whether you’re a seasoned athlete or new to the game, platform tennis provides a unique and exciting way to stay active and engaged.

If you’re ready to take your game to the next level, consider joining a local club, investing in quality gear, and participating in leagues and tournaments. With its growing popularity and dedicated community, there’s never been a better time to get involved in platform tennis.

Remember, the key to success in platform tennis is practice, perseverance, and a love for the game. Get out there, hit the court, and start enjoying all the benefits this fantastic sport has to offer.

FAQs About Platform Tennis

Q: What is platform tennis?

A: Platform tennis is a racquet sport derived from tennis, played on a smaller, elevated court surrounded by screens. The game combines elements of tennis and squash and is typically played outdoors in cold weather.

Q: Why is it called platform tennis?

A: It is called platform tennis because it is played on a raised platform, which helps with drainage and allows the sport to be played in colder climates without the court freezing.

Q: How is platform tennis different from traditional tennis?

A: Platform tennis differs from traditional tennis in court size, equipment (solid paddles instead of strung rackets), and the incorporation of surrounding walls into gameplay for dynamic shot opportunities.

Q: Is platform tennis only played in winter?

A: While platform tennis is popular in winter due to heated courts, it can be played year-round. Its unique design allows for play in various weather conditions, making it a versatile sport.

Q: Can platform tennis be played singles or doubles?

A: Platform tennis accommodates both singles and doubles play. Players can enjoy the sport individually or team up for exciting doubles matches on the court.

Q: Why is it called platform tennis?

A: It is called platform tennis because it is played on a raised platform, which helps with drainage and allows the sport to be played in colder climates without the court freezing.

A: Platform tennis is most popular in the United States, particularly in the Northeast, where it originated. The sport is also played in various other countries, but its following is strongest in areas with cold winters.

Q: Can platform tennis be played year-round?

A: While platform tennis is traditionally played in the winter, it can be played year-round in areas with the appropriate facilities. The elevated courts are designed to handle various weather conditions, making the sport accessible throughout the year.

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